Friday, October 11, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Ordinary

It's time for the "Five Minute Friday" blogging post. The inspiration comes from Lisa Jo Baker

What you do is set your timer for five minutes and write whatever you want according to the prompt Lisa places on her blog every Friday. Then you go back, link your blog and give support to those who posted before you. And, we connect on Twitter with #FiveMinuteFriday.



The definition of "ordinary" is: Usual, normal, of no exceptional quality, average


There is no such thing as an "ordinary" person. How can there be when you've been created by the greatest designer in the world?


God does not create ordinary humans. No way. Each one of us is a unique creation. We were lovingly designed and built by our heavenly Father. We are all children of God. His GREATEST creation.

The next time you are feeling down or depressed. Maybe you aren't feeling successful or happy. Whatever the reason you are down, look in the mirror.

Really look at your reflection. Then thank God and give Him the glory for creating such an extraordinary person.

You are special.

You are unique.

You are loved.

There is no other person like you in the world.

You are You.

Image credit: icetray / 123RF Stock Photo


Mom to 3 said...

Thank you so much for a reminder. I am guilty of thinking "I am just a wife and a Mom." Why do we as a women put the word just in front of the roles that we fill. God gave me the specific role to be wife to my wonderful husband, and mother to my my three beautiful blessings. I am stopping by from Five Minute Friday

~Karrilee~ from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace said...

Amen!!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my post today too! Happy to be hanging out together today over at Lisa Jo's!

Becky said...

Great reminders here. Wish it came naturally! Glad I stopped by from fmf!

The Dose of Reality said...

So true! We are all unique and special. That's how we were made! A fantastic reminder going into the weekend! Thanks, Vicki! --Lisa

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Thank you Jo Rose, Karrilee, Becky, and Lisa for commenting. We are unique. God made each of us special. Don't ever forget it. Have a blessed day!