E-Readers are here to stay. And, that means e-books are here to stay as well. As much as we boomers would like to protest, using excuses like "but I love the smell of a book" and "there's nothing like holding a book in my hand", we're no longer the target market.
It's a whole new world out there, and like it or not, it's time we embraced it. My husband has dragged me into it. Okay, not literally "dragged" me. More like nudged me in the current electronic world's general direction.
In our family, he was the first to purchase an iPhone. He expounded on all the cool applications and how easy they were to use and how easy they made his life.
Uh huh. I know what you're thinking. How could a phone make his life easier, right? I was thinking the same thing.
But, then he started showing me, because skeptic that I am, I started asking for proof.
Well, I wouldn't believe it at first, but he was right. Some of the applications he had were amazing. He had his e-mail right on his phone - send and receive. And, all of his mail folders were there too! Now that was slick! And they synced with his desktop at home.
Then, there was the Internet application. Safari. Well, that sold me right there. I could surf the Internet from my phone!!
And, don't get me started on the Facebook and MySpace applications that link directly to your pages and profiles so you can access your pages and update them as if you were sitting at your desktop.
Of course, I digress, another great application I downloaded? eReader! I can read books on my iPhone. How sweet is that?