It's just a small word, isn't it.
It opens up many avenues to think about. A person can ask for hope. Someone can give hope to another. We can hope for good weather. A student can hope they get good grades on their next test. For those of us who live in Florida, we can hope for a silent hurricane season.
A mother can hope their child grows into a responsible adult. A child can hope for many presents under the Christmas Tree. A father can hope for the bonus he's expecting at the end of the year to be a good one.
Do you hope?
Do you believe in hope?
Do you hope to be a person of significance? Do you want to make your mark upon the world? What impression do you want to leave?
In Colossians 1:27 it reads, "To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery which is Christ i you, the hope of glory."
Through faith in Jesus, you become a person of significance, importance, magnitude.

Is't that a wonderful statement?
Did you ever feel like you didn't count for much for were insignificant? Did you feel like no one noticed you?
You don't have to think like that anymore. Following Jesus makes you significant.
You are an amazing person.
Yes, I said it. You. Are. An. Amazing. Person.
Believe in it.
George Herbert said this, "He that lives in hope dances without music."
Doesn't that bring a wonderful image to your mind?
It's all about your mindset and believing in God. You must trust Him completely. He does not take His love for His children lightly.
"Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put hope in you." Psalm 25:5
Hope can move mountains.
Hope is in the tiniest newborn's cry.
Hope is in the eye of a child sitting on Santa's lap.
Hope is in you.
I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas and find all the love and laughter meant to make your life full of joy.
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