Saturday, January 12, 2013

Staying Focused - Through the Good Times and Not so Good

A friend of mine asked me how do I stay focused with all my medical issues both mental and physical and keep up with writing my blogs.

Well, my friend, that is a very good question. And, I'd like to answer it here, if I may?

Staying focused isn't all so much as focusing on one thing at a time, but having the ability to focus on the present while keeping an eye on the future.

When I'm feeling particularly well, I not only write my daily blog, but I'll write down ideas for topics of future blogs. This way, I have an on-going list that I can glean ideas from and come up with new posts. 

Another way to stay ahead of an illness or behavior, is to write those blogs out and have them sitting as drafts so that you can pull any one of them out, polish a bit, and voila! You have a ready made post for that day.

Staying stable is so important when you are ill, either mentally or physically. That's very crucial to building your blogs and maintaining your blog topic idea list. So, it's very important that you listen to your mind and body and know when enough is enough and it's time to spend quality time with yourself, healing yourself, gaining your strength back, in whatever fashion that may be for you.

For me, it might mean a quick trip to Busch Gardens for a walk around the park. That always rejuvenates. me. Kayaking in a local estuary looking at wildlife, getting astonished when fish jump, or a bird takes flight, always brings me back to earth.

Lying still, letting my dog lay his head in my lap, softly petting him. Just laying my hands on him. Finding the peace of mind I may have been missing for a while is always helpful. 

Sometimes, I need to read a bit from my Bible, just to find a bit of attachment with the One above who knows all and sees all. Sending Him my prayers and asking for help is always a good way to keep myself grounded and find motivation to stay focused.

Staying focused. Doesn't always mean sitting at your computer for eight or nine hours a day pounding on the keyboard. 

Staying focused can mean, centering yourself, knowing yourself. Being yourself completely in the moment. Once you have mastered that. You may only need to spend an hour or two working on your blogs rather than all day. It's all about balance.

Find that balance in your life. Life for balance. Practice Balance. It won't be easy at first, but with practice come repetition and repetition means you are learning. Balance your life. Balance yourself.

So, when you are well, work on your blogs, build up your cache of posts and topics. When you are ill, take care of yourself. You come first. Don't worry. We will all be here, with gentle hugs of welcome when you return.

So, do you have any tips for how to stay centered and focused while writing your blogs? What keeps you going?



Mothering From Scratch said...

{Melinda} What a great post. I have ongoing chronic medical issues. Sometimes I have great days, some days I just "get through." I love what you say here. It makes so much sense. Now for the hard part. Putting it into practice.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Thanks for posting, Melinda. If you need to find balance, and have chronic medical issues, you might want to try my website at

Julie M. said...

Great post! Life is about balance, and sometimes it is so hard to find that balance! I know I still struggle to find it some days, myself, but I feel I'm getting better at that. :) At least, that is my prayer.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, too. :) Have a great week!

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Hi Julie, I enjoyed your blog. I try so hard to live a balanced life. I even have another website that I try to follow what I "preach" over there.

Blond Duck said...

Popped in from SITS! I'm a fellow writer and some days, I have a really hard time focusing. I find a walk really helps or visiting a friend--if I don't keep a balance of social and physical my anxiety goes through the roof!

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Blond Duck, thanks four your tips. Finding balance is so vital in anyone's life.

Unknown said...

Finding a balance and staying focused is so important. With two young children it sometimes difficult. I blog when I get the chance, which can mean I get up extra early or stay up really late. Always a work in progress.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Hi Hope, thanks for posting. I agree, everything in my life is a work in progress.

Sherelle said...

I do some of the same things you do to stay focused. I really like how you said to "focus on the present while keeping your eyes on the future." I read my Bible when I need to clear my mind too! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Hi Sherelle. Great to know you're already doing these things to stay focused. See ya around the e-world.

Blended4Purpose said...

Staying focused isn't all so much as focusing on one thing at a time, but having the ability to focus on the present while keeping an eye on the future.
What a beautiful quote.


Blended4Purpose said...

Stopping by from SITS.


Britton said...

I love that you stay balanced even through your healthy struggles! It's all about balance! Thanks for visiting my blog! :-)

Robin said...

What great timing for me to find this post. I just posted about self-care, with a list gathered from friends. I'm working on building my own list of what works well for me -- what feeds my soul. I love the ideas you shared. Nature. Your dog. Time with God. Wonderful things that feed your soul. Thank you for adding to my list.

And I love the part that says work when you can, rest when you can't. It's taken me many years to learn that and I still mess up a lot. With my chronic fatigue I have to be careful. If I push through the tired and ride adrenaline to work anyway, I'm going to pay a high price for it when I'm done. I keep thinking I'll bounce back but it takes so much longer than it used to. Thanks for the reminder