Friday, January 04, 2013

I'm Over 50, Now What?

If you've reached 50, Happy Birthday to you.

I've hit that magical number in my life. I'm over 50, 51 to be exact and I've applied for and received my membership to the AARP. I keep my card in my wallet because it gets me discounts on all kinds of things.

But, other things happen to a person when they hit the 50 years old mark. Suddenly certain foods are no longer good for you and some are. There are activities we're no longer supposed to try and then their are activities we should. It's a contradicting time.

It's like we have to bury ourselves in Post It notes to remember everything!

I'm going to see if I can sort it all out for you and me.

Top 15 Superfoods for People over 50

There is even a national convention for people over 50

Things we should probably never do again after 50
Let me tell you, I couldn't do a split before 50, I'm not ever going to do one now!

Things to do at least once now that you're over 50

Things we should never wear again after 50

16 Songs everyone after 50 should own

Here's one that will really help:
Tax Tips Everyone over 50 Should Know

Don't let me get started on all the singles over 50 dating sites. Sheesh!

Here's a website right up my alley. Flourish Over 50. I think I'll join. It's all about and for women over 50.

WebMD has a great site with all kinds of helpful tips for taking care of yourself after 50

Not having sex and over 50, This article from Huffington Post might have the reasons why.

You may or may not agree with Zimbio, but they announced the most sexiest women over 50

And, God forbid, this should happen, here's some information on pregnancy over 50

Finally, we all want to know the answer to the question: What makes a man sexy over 50?

Oh, I've got one more: The Best Smartphone Apps for those over 50

I hope I've covered enough topics for you, if not, you can do some research for yourself, just Google "over 50" and see what turns up for you!

Now, I say to you, stand tall, be proud, you've hit your half-century mark. Walk through the 50 door and start brand new with the second half of your life.



Kelly said...

Haha! great post...I am almost there...

I turned 45 this past fall.
I had no idea you could apply for an AARP card at 50!

Savvyworkinggal said...

I turned 50 last summer. I received my Aarp card in the mail too. It looks like it is going to be something cool, so what a disappointment the card was. Thanks for all the great links. Can't wait to check them out.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Kelly, will welcome you to the "50" club soon!.

Savvy WorkingGal, I hope you enjoy the links!

Kim@Co-Pilot Mom said...

I celebrated my 40th last summer - just 10 more years to go for me. What a great list of links - lots of wonderful information there!

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Happy 40th, Kim. I hope you have many more wonderful years. Thanks for stopping by.

Robin said...

I could lose an entire day following those links. Must. Stop. Too fun, though.

Enjoy rocking the 50s. I'll see you there soon enough.

Stopping by from SITS.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Missrobin, I'm glad you're enjoying the links. Follow when you can. Can't say that I'll stay 51 forever, but whenever you reach 50, I'll be there for you.

Sadie Ussery said...

Enjoy the 50s! I hit my 30s this year! Really loved your post.

Vicki M. Taylor said...

Sadie, thanks for stopping by!