Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

As I sit and watch the Macy's day parade, I sip a cup of coffee and reflect on all that I am thankful for in my life and the world.

I am thankful for:

  • my husband's love and support
  • my health, no matter what chronic illness I suffer from, I am still fighting and loving life
  • my children and how as they grow older they appreciate my efforts from the past more
  • my beautiful grandchildren
  • my friends here with me, far away and connected by the Internet
  • the American soldiers who give so much that we may be free to celebrate and live safely
  • the technology that I am able to stay close to loved ones
  • my skill in writing that I may share my talent with others
  • my faith in God and the joy in praising His name
  • having Bipolar because it has taught me humility and patience and love for my life
  • my neighbors for their friendship and support
  • blueberries and that I can purchase them year round
  • the love and support of my dog, Jack and my parrot, Bailey
  • my family near and far that they always know how much I love and cherish them
  • the restaurants and staff who keep their doors and kitchens open for those of us who can't handle the stress of cooking a huge elaborate meal for two
  • everyone who remembers those in need be they animal or human
  • my readers of my books, blogs, and articles

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!

And I'm thankful for the image created by this talented designer

Image credit: slena / 123RF Stock Photo

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday,
-- Vicki

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