Happy Birthday, Marines!!
Every year, I get a bit nostalgic when this day rolls around. Even though its been 36 years since I stood on those yellow footprints at Parris Island and met the drill instructors who would shape my life.
I'd like to share something inspirational I've heard and seen a few times.
Navy Seal Commencement Speech to 2014 Texas Graduates
This inspirational speech can be applied to civilian life.

Happy Birthday message from commandant of United States Marine Corps
Marine Corps Birthday Celebration History
Take the Marine Corps History Quiz!!!
Marine Corps History: The Medal of Honor
Why the Marine Corps Birthday Matters
Make your Country Proud and Boost your Confidence
Memories of Boot Camp
by Vicki M Taylor
We stood at
attention for so long I thought I’d break down from heat stroke. Finally, our
sergeant gave us the parade rest command.
A light breeze
picked up. I stretched my short body as high as I could to catch the
intermittent wind as it passed by. We were packed in like sardines. All of us
sweating, dripping on each other.
Those at the head
of the squad received the command to pick of the backpacks on the ground and
help put them on the recruits in front of them. Then signal to the recruit
behind that they were ready for their backpack. At once, forty pounds heavier,
the world took on a new meaning.
A silence fell over
the squad. Then the next squad. Then the next. No more jocularity. We didn’t
even complain about the weather. Life became serious.
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Copyright: robschreck / 123RF Stock

I would like to extend heart-felt, deep gratitude to all those who have or are serving our country. May we never forget!!
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